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September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, and with the school year officially in full swing, St. Vincent Women’s dietician Anna Busenburg is available to talk about how parents can ensure their students make healthy eating choices – at home, and especially at school, where children consume up to 50% of their daily calories. Whether helping kids navigate the school cafeteria or packing a nutritious meal from home, Anna will discuss how families can combat childhood obesity by creating a healthy eating game plan that keeps kids full, satisfied, and fueled to learn.

Tips for Packing a Healthy School Lunch

– Include multiple food groups that are packaged in an easy way for children to eat.

– Incorporate fruits, vegetables and dips in a fun way – cut up the fruit/vegetables so that your child is more likely to eat them.

– Make the bread on their sandwich whole grain.

– Think about a way to work in dairy – yogurt, string cheese, cottage cheese or have them purchase a container of milk.

– Have a snack for them in their bag for later in day – granola bar, crackers, dried fruit, or nuts.

– Make sure you remember to keep their lunch bag cool if there is food that requires refrigeration.