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Chef Wendell: Butter and sage sauce pasta

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Most folks assume all pasta is created equal. No need to stop eating pasta because of wheat allergies when so many alternatives line the grocer’s shelves that are made with different flours, grains and even beans. And, if you love butter on pasta, but avoid it because of health issues, we have some good news for you!What you’ll need: 

  • Pasta of choice
  • 4 Tbsps. butter from grass-fed cows (Not soy and corn fed)
  • 8 sage leaves
  • ½ lemon, juiced
  • ¼ cup grated Parmigiana-Reggiano or Nutritional Yeast flakes (for the dairy sensitive)

Don’t forget to:

  • While pasta is cooking, melt butter into a sauté pan and continue cooking until a golden brown color appears in the thinnest part of the butter.
  • Add sage leaves and remove from heat.
  • Add lemon juice and set aside.
  • Drain the cooked pasta but leave some cooking water and gently pour into sauté pan and return to heat.
  • Add cheese, toss to coat and serve immediately.

Some good pasta alternatives:

  • Whole Grains: Whole grain pasta is filled with vitamin B and isn’t stripped of any minerals. And if you’re lacking fiber, whole grain pastas are one of the tastier options.
  • Quinoa: Quinoa (both in grain and gluten-free pasta form) is high in vitamin B and can help your body produce bone growth.
  • Soba Noodles: Soba noodles are made from buckwheat and originally from Japan. They are high in protein and can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Rice Pasta: Rice noodles are made of whole grains and contain anywhere from 0 to 0.7 grams of fiber per serving.
  • Bean Pasta: A company by the name of Explore Asian makes the most delicious pasta using 100% mung beans. This pasta is extremely high in protein and fiber and gets you super full really quick. The noodles are a bit chewier than traditional pasta.
  • Ancient Grain Pasta: Ancient grains are grains that haven’t been hybridized over time and are more nutrient dense than the wheat that is produced today.  Recent innovations include quinoa, amaranth, and brown rice combination.