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Healthy benefits in Asian cuisine

Eat healthier, live longer. Head on over to Yokohama in Greenwood, and you can do just that! Today on Indy Style, Master Sushi Chef Debbie Bennett explains two things that are a part of Asian Cuisine: Salmon and Green Tea.

Did you know? Salmon is known to be one of the top ten healthiest foods in the world. The benefits of Salmon are many because of the high amount of Omega 3s. Some of the primary health benefits are: Improvement of Bone strength, reduces inflammation in the heart and helps prevent decay of vision.

Some of the ways salmon is prepared at Yokohama are:

Spicy Seafood Soup…

Salmon Republic sushi roll..

In a roll called the Salmon Yellow Submarine..

In a creation called a Salmon Sushi Burrito..

And…by special order when time and availability of Debbie only…. it’s thinly sliced and seared with fresh cut ginger and green onion with a slight soy sauce mix.

– Health benefits of Green Tea…

a. It is very helpful in burning calories…..

b. One cup a day has been proven to be helpful in any diet process..

c. Lowers the risk of heart disease or stroke.. has properties that help delay wrinkles and can reduce age marks…

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