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Firefighter Tim’s 6 foam roller exercises for your “6-pack”

Looking to build up that 6-pack? That 4-pack? No-pack?!  In all seriousness, Firefighter Tim says core training is an essential component of any fitness plan and should be included in your workout routine. Foam rollers can create an unstable environment, recruiting additional core stabilizer muscles to keep you balanced during the exercise. The more muscles you recruit, the more calories you can burn!

If you are a beginner to fitness, you can do 1 of these exercises for 2 sets for 10 to 15 reps. As your fitness level advances, you can add 1 or more exercises. You can continue to add exercises until you are advanced enough to do all exercises in a row as circuit training for 12 to 15 reps for 2 to 3 rounds.

1. Plank

Bend at your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms. Make sure your elbows and your shoulders form a straight line. Adjust the foam roller so that your shins are resting on top, and squeeze your core while keeping your body in a straight line. Hold this position for as long as you can. The Plank exercise is great for toning the entire core at once.2. Hill Climbers

Place your hands on the floor with fingers pointing straight ahead. Shift your weight onto your hands, keeping your arms fully extended. Your shoulders should form a straight line with your hands. Adjust the roller so that your ankles are resting on it. Squeeze your abdominals and bring your right thigh towards your stomach, bending at the knee. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg. Repeat for the desired number of reps.4. Sit And Reach

Lay on the foam roller vertically so it rests between your shoulder blades. Extend your arms in front of you to form a 45-degree angle with the roller. Place your feet on the floor with knees bent and toes pointing straight ahead. Contracting your abdominal muscles, lift your torso towards your thighs. Lower your torso after it makes a 90-degree angle with your thighs. Repeat for the desired number of reps.4. Leg Tuck

Sit on the foam roller horizontally so your weight is on your glutes. Shift some of your weight onto your fingers as you place them on the floor behind you, pointing towards the foam roller. Lift your legs off of the floor and extend them straight ahead. Using your abdominals, pull your legs towards your stomach as you bend at the knees to form a 45-degree angle. Repeat for the desired number of reps. The Leg Pull-In exercise especially tones the lower abdominal muscles.5. Knee Tuck

Place your hands on the floor with fingers pointing straight ahead. Shift your weight onto your hands, keeping your arms fully extended. Your shoulders should form a straight line with your hands. Adjust the roller so that your upper shins are resting on it. Using your lower abdominals, pull your knees towards your hands, allowing the foam roller to move along your shins until it is resting below your ankles. Repeat for the desired number of reps.6. Hand to Leg

Lay on the foam roller vertically so it rests between your shoulder blades. Extend your left arm behind your head while lifting your right leg off of the floor. Contract your lower abdominals to lift your right leg into the air while contracting your upper abdominals to lift your upper back off of the roller. Bring your left arm to your right leg and squeeze your abdominal muscles before returning to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps and then switch to the right arm.

Twitter: @firemantimcfd