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How to wear your hair when you skip washing it

No wash? No problem! Molly Guedel and Caelan Blair with Sundance SalonSpa show us how easy it is to conserve water, skip washing your hair and still have an amazing style!

Don’t forget about Aveda’s Earch Month Shoe Drive and more:

• Aveda Earth Month Shoe Drive:

o 3 salons are collecting gently-used shoes as a fundraiser for HEC, Sundance SalonSpa in Zionsville, Guys & Gals Quarters in Batesville, and Sage on Indy’s Southside. People can also drop-off shoes at the HEC office. (these locations are listed on

• Other Aveda Earth Month talking points:

o Aveda salons all around Indiana celebrate Earth Month by raising awareness and funds for Hoosier Environmental Council’s clean water programs.

o For the first time ever, we are hosting the Aveda Earth Month Online Silent Auction featuring Aveda gift sets and other really awesome items, like a VIP day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and 2 Garden Towers.

o We are doing an Indiana Getaway Raffle with 3 prizes of overnight packages at cool Indiana destinations. Tickets can be purchased at Aveda salons.

o The Aveda Fredric’s Institute is holding Appointments for Water on Friday, April 21, and 100% of proceeds from ALL services that day will be donated to HEC!

o Two salons, Bambu and Wildflowers, are hosting yoga events later this month.

o Salons have bakes sales, raffles, auctions, plant sales and so much more! We invite everyone to visit the Aveda salon nearest them to show their support for the environment and HEC!

o Aveda’s support allows HEC to do work that protects all of the water in Indiana, from the Great Lakes to the Ohio River.

To learn more, visit: – online silent auction – list of Aveda Earth Month events – updates on Aveda Earth Month activities – fun photos of Aveda Earth Month activities