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Muncie Teachers Association concerned about district’s future after teachers resign

MUNCIE, Ind. (WISH) — The Muncie Teachers Association is concerned about the future of the school corporation after 20 faculty members, a majority of them teachers, resigned from the district.

The resignations come at a time where the district is facing a budget deficit of $15 million. The president of the Muncie Teachers Association told 24-Hour News 8 they had 75 teachers resign or retire this past year.

Some parents enjoyed a Little League baseball game Tuesday evening at a field near Northside Middle School.

Amanda Austin said she’s been keeping up with everything that’s been happening with Muncie Community Schools.

“I think it’s pretty sad,” said Austin. “I mean, come on, these teachers are resigning.”

She said her kids attend Muncie schools.

“I see a lot of parents taking their kids out of Muncie schools and put them in counties, I really do,” she said.

It was at Monday night’s school board meeting where 20 faculty members resigned from the district. Many of them teachers from schools including Central High, North Side Middle School, East Washington Academy and West View Elementary, just to name a few.

“I’m very concerned. I’ve never seen anything like this. I’ve been in Muncie school systems for 44 years,” said Pat Kennedy.

Kennedy is the president of the Muncie Teachers Association. She said they study the turnover rate every year.

“I think you’d rather see a turnover in your corporation of maybe 5 to 8 percent, but we’re not seeing many retirees — these are resignation,” she said.

She said the resignations are coming from teachers with a few years of experience to 30 years on the job.

“A frightening word to use right at this point in time. I don’t know how we’re going to attract teachers,” she said.

Kennedy said she’s not even sure if they will have enough certified teachers to open the next school year.

“I would like to see a restart. The last two years have not been positive,” she said. “We have got to give teachers, the community, our students hope and we have to start rebuilding trust in this school corporation.”

Right now the district is waiting for the state to appoint an emergency manager to help with the district.

A public meeting is set Thursday evening at Southside Middle School, where we should learn more on who applied for the job.

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