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Why you should brush your pet’s teeth

Did you know? February is National Pet Dental Health Month. Dental disease in our pets is the most common diagnosis of adult dogs and cats, beating out cancer, traumatic injuries and even obesity!  More than 80% of dogs and cats have some sort of dental issue!!

Thomas F. Dock, Veterinary Journalist and Practice Manager, Noah’s Animal Hospitals, explains more:

  • Part of the overall issue is that many owners simply don’t know to provide any sort of dental care or they are unable to do so. Adding to this is the fact that 60% of the tooth lies UNDER the gumline, where you can’t see it on an oral exam.  This is where a lot of the disease process occurs.  28% of dogs and 42% of cats with NORMAL looking mouths have some sort of dental disease diagnosed by dental x-rays.
  • Beyond the mouth, dental disease can cause issues with your pet’s heart, kidneys or even lungs!! But, the biggest issue caused by pet dental disease is a breaking of the human-animal bond…many owners will stop allowing face to face contact with their pet who now has bad breath!
  • The solution to fixing your pet’s smile is to have their teeth evaluated by their veterinarian!! Depending on the breed, age and genetics of your pet, this may need to happen once or twice annually.
  • A complete oral health assessment and treatment plan includes the actual dental cleaning, polishing of the teeth, assessment of pet’s oral health, dental x-rays, at home care plan and anesthesia.
  • Per the American Animal Hospital Association, any dental procedure for our pets must be done under a general anesthetic and with an endotracheal tube present in the patient. Dental cleanings done without anesthesia are scams and have the potential for harming your pet!
  • Although extractions of diseased teeth are the most common resolution to the issue, veterinary dentists can also perform root canals, restorative techniques and even orthodontics!!
  • As the pet owner, you are definitely part of the team in helping to keep your pet’s mouth healthy. At home care, such as brushing your pet’s teeth, feeding a dental diet or using dental chew toys, can go a long way in extending the time between professional cleanings!
  • Ask your veterinarian about proper dental care for your pet and visit to learn more!

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