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Tuesday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Here’s a look at Tuesday’s business headlines.

Florida building collapse

One top real estate agent in Florida told Fox Business clients are expressing their fears to her over living in older condominiums since the collapse of the condo in Surfside, Florida.

Owner-occupant buyers are shying away from high-rise condos that were built prior to modern stringent building standards and leaning toward single-family homes.


After Apple tightened tracking rules, advertisers shifted spending toward Android devices.

As part of Apple’s latest iPhone update, it required users to opt into tracking-only and only 33% did.

Digital advertisers say they have lost much of the granular data that made mobile ads on iOS devices effective and justified their prices.


China would be barred from buying more U.S. farmland and the land already in its possession would become ineligible for farm subsidies under language approved by the House Appropriations Committee.

Washington Rep. Dan Newhouse said ownership of nearly 192,000 acres of farmland by Chinese investors was a national security issue.

There are 897 million acres of farmland in the United States, according to USDA data.

Pavement Technology Inc.

Pavement Technology Inc. created a spray-on treatment for pavement, which it says can lower its temperature. Developed in collaboration with Louisiana State University researchers, the spray’s exact makeup is a trade secret.

The Ohio-based firm says the substance can also “revitalize aging asphalt” by making it stronger, a property that could come in pretty handy, too.

This week, roads across the West have been cracking and buckling in the extreme heat.

The spray is also meant to dissolve car exhaust pollution.