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Chef Charles: Yukon Gold Potato Soup with Irish Cheddar; Sautéed Apple Crisps

Yukon Gold Potato Soup with Irish Cheddar

Since 2006, Hartwell’s Premium dressings have satisfied thousands of guests at private and public events, earning rave reviews along the way.

Its dedication to quality and flavor led to the official launch of the brand in 2014, marking a significant milestone in its journey.

Joining us today is the founder Chef Charles with two delicious recipes. Take a look at the full interviews above and below to learn how you can bring these meals to life in a plate in your kitchen!

1st Segment:  Creamy Yukon Gold Potato Soup with Irish Cheddar 

2nd Segment:  Sautéed Golden Delicious Apple Crisp with Irish Whiskey and Fresh Whipped Cream 

Sauteed golden delicious apple crisp