Hottest books for summer reading by Indiana authors
There’s nothing like sitting back to relax with a hard copy book in-hand, especially if it’s written by a local author or about the great state of Indiana! Tom Doherty, President of Cardinal Publishers Group, shares what books are out and ready to be read!
Cardinal Publishers Group is Indiana’s largest wholesaler of books written about Indiana and written by Indiana authorsBook Genres:
Fiction – a blend of Hoosier classics like Kurt Vonnegut, Gene Stratton-Porter and James Thom to more contemporary writers like, John Green, Brian Sweany and Elizabeth Perona
Travel – reading that will help your viewers get out of the house and enjoy the many attractions Indiana has to offer from hiking and dining out to family activities
Nature – learn about our state’s flora and fauna right in your backyard or in one of the many state parks and forests – great books for the family to share
Miscellany – Sports, Games, True Crime – with Fathers’ Day approaching I’ve put together a mixed selection of titles that might make good gift suggestions for dad
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