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An inside look into the multi-million dollar makeover of a popular Indianapolis hotel

An inside look into the multi-million dollar makeover of a popular Indianapolis hotel

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – The Hyatt Regency Indianapolis recently completed phase one of its multi-million dollar renovation.

The project started in 2016 after just five years since the hotel’s last update in 2011.

“We want to continue to keep up with the changing times. Aligning what the Hyatt Regency brand is about and that’s making it the most functional, convenient space for our guests as possible,” said Direction of Operations Mike Berland.

The renovation includes the revolving rooftop restaurant, The Eagle’s Nest, state-of-the-art meeting and event spaces, ground-floor restaurants, lobby and fitness center.

The overall renovation touched carpeting, modern lighting packages, updated furniture and decor.

An inside look into the multi-million dollar makeover of a popular Indianapolis hotel

There was also technology updates to the meeting rooms.

“One new thing is we have a concierge app. From your phone if the meeting planner needs something, instead of running around finding a hotel representative, they can create a ticket through the app instantly and request audio needs or a temperature change,” said Senior Sales Manager Melissa Hebenstreit.

As phase one wraps up, phase two on the 499-room hotel has already started.

“Phase two is our guest rooms. It’s going to be a total uplift. Making it more functional for guests to connect with loved ones,” Berland said.

These updates are expected to be completed in May.