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Canadian girl gets new hand made by local high school

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – A little girl in Canada got her special delivery from Cardinal Ritter High School in Indianapolis.

Two weeks ago, 24-Hour News 8 shared the story of an engineering class who made a 3D hand for a 6-year-old

On Thursday pictures of Chelsea in Toronto showed her wearing her new hand. She also had the stuffed bear that was part of the gift pack prepared by the class.

Chelsea was born without fingers on her left hand. The Ritter creation gives her the dexterity should lacked until now.

Carita Girman, the engineering instructor at Ritter, said she and the class are happy Chelsea likes the hand.

In email to Chelsea’s mom, Girman said “let us know if it is comfortable and that she can grasp objects well. We can always make adjustments now and in the future as she grows.”

An organization called “Enabling the Future” has done this before. The organization describes itself as “a network of passionate volunteers using 3D printing to give the World a “Helping Hand.” Enabling Our Future matched Chelsea with Girman’s class at Ritter.