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Sheriff’s investigation asks for help identifying person in photo
The Morgan County Sheriff's Office is investigating a suspicious incident in the 9000 block of State Road 39 and is asking for the public's help in identifying the subject.December 21, 2024
Overcoming perfectionism and stress in picking a Christmas gift
Dr. Danielle Henderson, a psychologist for IU Health, advised taking time for yourself and asking loved ones what they want for the holidays to alleviate stress and focus on the true meaning of the hoDecember 21, 2024
IMPD seeks community’s help finding missing person
A 52-year-old man, David Brandzel, who was last seen on Dec. 16, is missing in Indianapolis and police are asking for the community's help in finding him.December 21, 2024
‘Pet Pals TV’: Celebrating service animals
Canine Companions, a volunteering organization, trains puppies for free service animals to provide independence and companionship to people with disabilities.December 21, 2024
Tel Aviv hit by missile fired from Yemen, Israel and Houthis say
An Israeli military target in Tel Aviv was hit by a missile fired from Yemen, resulting in minor injuries and no fatalities, while the Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack.December 21, 2024
Indiana Grown: Twin 6’s ranch continues to expand product line
Twin 6's Ranch, a homegrown business run by two neighbors, is expanding to open a meat shop on their property, offering customers the chance to buy one steak or even half a cow.December 21, 2024
IU and Notre Dame fans share how special this season was in Indiana
The Indiana Hoosiers and Notre Dame Fighting Irish had an unforgettable season, with both teams making the first 12-team playoff in the history of the sport, and the Hoosiers breaking the record for tDecember 21, 2024
Cinco muertos y más de 200 heridos tras un atropellamiento masivo en un mercado navideño en Alemania
Un vehículo arrolló a una multitud en un mercadillo navideño en la ciudad alemana de Magdeburgo, causando la muerte de al menos cinco personas y heridas a más de 200. El conductor sospechoso es unDecember 21, 2024
New Direction Church to host toy giveaway in a festive event for all
New Direction Church is hosting its annual "A Winter Wonderland" event on Dec. 21 at Arlington Middle School, offering free food, live carolers, Christmas tree displays, and photos with Santa and hisDecember 21, 2024