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Motivation Monday: 3 Tips For Attracting Financial Abundance!

Everyone would enjoy a little more money, right? On today’s “Motivation Monday,”our success coach, Tim Shurr, MA, offers three tips for attracting greater prosperity and abundance!

The following 3 tips come from Tim’s upcoming book, “12 Laws of Prosperity & Abundance.”

1. Law of Acceptance: You must believe you are worthy of success and financial abundance.

2. Law of Grit: The special mixture of emotion that’s produced when passion and purpose meet with the relentless pursuit of a worthy goal. It’s what keeps you going when times get tough.

3. Law of Reciprocity: When you focus on helping others succeed, instead of just focusing on yourself, you end up becoming successful faster because you’ve created an army of raving fans who will support you any way they can. The more value you provide others, the more valuable you become!

Want to learn all 12 Laws of Prosperity & Abundance? Join Tim for a full-day live training in Indy on July 15th! Get all the details here:

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