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Annessa’s “Just One Thing”: The Best Thing to Eat for Breakfast!

Nothing messes with your metabolism more than consistently skipping breakfast. Registered Dietician Annessa Chumbley says to think of breakfast as the weight-loss spring board. It turns your metabolism ON. What you choose for breakfast is the most important because it is the one meal that has the biggest impact on the rest of your day. It impacts your blood sugar, your taste buds, Breakfast is the most powerful meal – because it affects how you feel and what you crave the rest of the day.

Here’s more from Annessa:

So what’s the best thing to eat for breakfast? I’m going to give you a formula you can use so you can make any combination and it’s this: Protein + a good carb. Don’t demonize all carbs…one of the nutrients you need most comes from this group and that is fiber! In the morning is the perfect time for a good carb because it will give you quick morning energy. So think protein + fiber-filled carb = energy giving, weight-loss breakfast.

Here’s an example so you can see what this looks like. 2 hardboiled eggs & an apple; If you need breakfast on the run, peel those the night before, set them in the fridge, and you’ve made it that much easier for yourself. You could do the same thing with peeled citrus. That’s two examples of protein + good carb on the go.

I’m going to give you other simple breakfast ideas on my Facebook page this week at Annessa Chumbley, RD – and I would love to know: do you eat breakfast? Have you always or has it been a recent goal? Hop on my page, and I will help keep you accountable.

Just one thing for this week: eat a bite of breakfast and watch your day transform.

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