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IndyHub Helps Young Professionals Shape Indy’s Future

BEO 10-29-23 ATC

For too long, many young professionals in Indiana have felt like they had no say in shaping the state’s future. A local organization is making it their mission to change that. With a commitment to engage, empower, and embrace 20-30-somethings in Central Indiana, IndyHub encourages young people to share their vision of Indy’s future. 

Al Carroll, President and CEO of IndyHub, says, “I think young people want a bigger say in what that future is going to look like.” To help with that, IndyHub is hosting the Shape (Y)OUR Future Summit on November 14th. The free event will help young professionals connect to people who can have an impact on shaping the future of Indiana. 

In partnership with the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership, the summit will allow millennials and Generation Z to share their ideas on how they can make Indianapolis a better place to live and work. Carroll says some hot-button issues for young professionals are inclusion and more investments in infrastructure and transportation. 

The Shape (Y)OUR Future Summit will be held on November 14th from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 16Tech. For more information, visit