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Building Smiles in Johnson County: The Journey of Dr. Aaron Sauer’s Dental Practice

April 18, 2024

In this episode of the "All in Johnson County" podcast, host Dr. Brad Miller sits down with Dr. Aaron Sauer, a dentist and owner of Sauer Dentistry in Greenwood, Indiana. The two discuss Dr. Sauer's journey into the dental field, his experience starting and growing his own practice, and the overall state of healthcare in Johnson County.

Takeaway Points:

1. Passion for Dentistry: Dr. Sauer shares how he discovered his interest in dentistry at a young age, after experiencing extensive dental work as a child. This early exposure sparked his desire to pursue a career in the field, leading him to study at Indiana University and eventually establish his own practice.

2. Building a Successful Practice: Dr. Sauer discusses the challenges and rewards of starting his own dental practice in Johnson County. He describes the early days of his business, when he and a single employee worked tirelessly to establish the practice and build a loyal client base. Over time, the practice has grown to include 16 employees and an additional dentist, Dr. Whitney Marsh.

3. Quality of Life and Healthcare in Johnson County: Dr. Sauer emphasizes the excellent quality of healthcare, particularly dental care, available in Johnson County. He notes that the abundance of dentists and other medical professionals in the area ensures that residents have access to high-quality care, regardless of their financial situation. Additionally, Dr. Sauer praises the welcoming business community in Johnson County, which has been supportive of his endeavors and the growth of his practice.

Throughout the conversation, Dr. Sauer highlights the unique character of Johnson County, describing it as a "quaint" and "down-to-earth" community with a strong sense of community and family. He also notes that while the area has experienced significant growth in recent years, it has managed to maintain a more manageable pace of development compared to neighboring regions.

The one area of potential improvement that Dr. Sauer identifies is the need for more parks, bike paths, and trails in the northern part of Johnson County, where he resides. He believes that improving the infrastructure for outdoor recreation would greatly benefit the community and enhance the overall quality of life for residents.

Overall, this episode provides a compelling snapshot of the healthcare landscape in Johnson County, as well as insights into the personal and professional experiences of a successful local dentist. The discussion highlights the many advantages of living and working in this thriving community, making it an attractive destination for both individuals and businesses.

Sauer Dentistry


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Dr. Brad Miller

