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Celebrating National Mutt Day with Tom Dock

Celebrating National Mutt Day with Tom Dock and Kelsey

Tom Dock, Director of Communications at Noah’s Animal Hospitals, and dog owner Kelsey joined us to discuss the importance of National Mutt Day. This special day, celebrated at the end of July each year, reminds us of the many wonderful mixed-breed dogs that often get overlooked. National Mutt Day was established in 2005 by Colleen Paige, who also created observances like National Puppy Day and National Cat Day.

In 2023, more than 3.2 million dogs entered the shelter system. Ensuring all dogs, whether purebred or mixed breed, have a chance to find a loving home is crucial. Unfortunately, about 177,000 more animals are waiting for homes compared to 2022, and dog adoptions are about 5% lower than in 2019.

What’s even more concerning is the rise in “non-live outcomes” for dogs in shelters, typically meaning euthanasia. In 2023, 78,000 more dogs did not make it out of the shelter system alive compared to 2022, an increase of over 24%.

For many pet lovers, a mixed-breed dog can be a great choice. Many of these pets from shelters are already updated on vaccinations and may have been neutered, which can lower initial veterinary costs compared to purchasing a purebred dog. Additionally, mixed-breed dogs tend to be less prone to hereditary and congenital issues common in purebred dogs. However, routine veterinary care remains important as all dogs can pick up infectious parasites and diseases.

Shelters and rescues across the United States are still over capacity, and many dogs needing homes are mixed-breed mutts. Even if you’re dreaming of a purebred pet, many mixed-breed dogs without pedigrees still have a lot of love to give.

Even if you aren’t ready to bring a new family member home yet, you can still help pets in shelters in various ways. Volunteering your time to engage with dogs can help lessen their boredom and make them more adoptable. If you can’t volunteer, consider donating money, cleaning supplies, blankets, toys, or pet food.

Your new best friend may be waiting for you. Be sure to visit your local shelters or check out to find a pet near you. More details about shelters and rescues across the United States can be found at