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Forecast transition this weekend with rain chance and chilly air next week | Oct. 10, 2024

Oct. 10 | Evening Forecast with Chief Meteorologist Ashley Brown

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — We are gearing up for our next set of big changes in this forecast that starts this weekend. This will lead way to the chilliest air of this season yet next week.

Thursday night: We’re in for a clear and quiet night with light winds as temperatures drop into the mid to upper 40s.

Friday: The end to the workweek is shaping up to be a little warm, but it won’t be too bad at all for us. Highs will top out in the upper 70s with abundant sunshine in place.

Saturday: This is where we see our first signs of change with our pattern. Skies will turn partly cloudy ahead of our next weather system. We are tracking the potential for scattered showers by Saturday night into early Sunday. Rain looks to mostly be north of interstate 70 for now.

Highs are set to get back into the upper 70s despite extra cloud cover.

7-Day Forecast: Sunday will turn into a breezy day under mostly sunny to partly sunny skies on the backside of the system. By early next week, temperatures will plummet roughly 15-20 degrees for both the high and low temperature. We’re talking some locations that may fail to get out of the 50s through the first half of next week at least. There is also potential for some frost development next week with lows in the 30s.