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Mom-to-be cancels baby shower after family ridicules baby’s name

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – An expectant mother abruptly canceled her baby shower after her “fake a** family” ridiculed the name she picked for her baby boy.

The unidentified woman put her family and friends on blast after they voiced concerns over her decision to name her son Squire Sebastian Senator. 

“Ya’ll have been talking sh*t about my unborn baby. AN UNBORN CHILD,” she wrote in a post on the Facebook event that has since been deleted. “How can you judge an unborn child?? What is wrong with you?? I never knew my family could be so judgmental.”

“They’ve spread rumors and lies about my child,” she wrote. “No, I am not crazy. No, I am not mentally unstable. No, I was not drunk when I named my child.”

“This is the name I was meant to give him,” she continued. “This is how it will be. He will not be allowed to have a nickname, he is to be called by his full and complete first name.

“This name conveys power. It conveys wealth. It conveys success,” she added, explaining that she’d chosen the name because of the family’s ties to senators and squires.

“My baby’s name WILL be a revolution,” she added. “It will push people to question everything.”

“F**k you all. Fake a** family,” she concluded. “You won’t get to be a part of my baby’s life and it’s all because you had to judge him.”

The post has since resurfaced on Reddit, where users continue to mock the baby’s name. 

This isn’t the first time a unique name choice has made headlines. 

Last month, a mother claimed her daughter, Abcde, was ridiculed by a Southwest Airlines gate agent while boarding a flight.