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Record cold possible this weekend

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH)– Chilly temperatures will move into much of central Indiana this weekend. Not only do we have the potential to tie or break one record this weekend but we have the potential to break two records this weekend.

It’s going to be chilly tomorrow. Highs on Friday will be in the middle 40s. The record low maximum temperature or coldest high is 44 set back in 1960. The normal high for this time of year is 70. 

The low temperature Saturday morning will fall near freezing and even in the lower 20s in many spots. The record low temperature is 29 set back in 1947.

Since records began back in 1871 there have only been four days where the mercury has dropped into the 20s in May. 1963, 2005, 1947 and 1966. The coldest May temperature is 28 set back on May 10th 1966. If you do have any plants outside be sure to cover them up Friday night or bring them inside.