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Indiana health commissioner contracts coronavirus; mask mandate extended to Nov. 14

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Indiana health commissioner Dr. Kristina Box, her daughter and her infant grandson have tested positive for COVID-19, and Gov. Eric Holcomb extended the state’s mask mandate.

Box announced the test results during a Wednesday coronavirus briefing with Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb. She spoke via an audio connection in the briefing and described the process she followed to get tested and the isolation procedures she is following. She said she went home Friday afternoon after two employees at the day care of her grandson, Liam Box, tested positive. Liam and his mother, Kathryn Box, later developed symptoms. Dr. Box said she has not developed symptoms.

“From the beginning of this pandemic, my husband, David, and I have included in our kind of social bubble, family bubble our four grown children and their spouses, three of which live here in town and our 23-month-old grandson Liam,” Box said.

The governor also extended the state’s mask mandate, set to expire Saturday, to Nov. 14. He also extended Stage 5 of the Back on Track reopening plan.

The governor chided Hoosiers who are ignoring health and safety guidelines to curb the coronavirus, and noted surges could mean returning to more reopening restrictions. “Stage 5 is not the stage when the checkered flag comes out.”

He noted a statewide seven-day average positivity rate that’s now at 5.3%, a record number of daily positive cases, and an increase in hospitalizations. The numbers have to do with how many of us are and are not letting our guard down, Holcomb said multiple times during a Wednesday’s coronavirus briefing that had technical issues with the sound and featured government leaders speaking from different locations.

Dr. Lindsay Weaver, chief medical officer of the Indiana Department of Health, said she, the governor, members of the department’s officer and the governor’s staff will be tested Wednesday afternoon for the coronavirus. Weaver said Box worked with tracers to determine who she’d been in contact with in the past 24 hours. The state now has more than 900 contact tracers and may soon add 300 more, the chief medical officer said.

Holcomb said he would be quarantining himself until he gets his coronavirus test results. He planned to be tested after the briefing.

Weaver said the hospitalization rate is the highest it’s been since mid-May. Hospitals’ intensive care units are being stressed and facilities are also facing a lack of personnel, she said.

Hospitalizations on Wednesday jumped to 1,357, an 85% increase over hospitalizations in the last 31 days.

Holcomb noted that neighboring states and other places in the nation and world also are experiencing increases similar to Indiana.

The State Department of Health on Wednesday more than doubled the number of counties designated as higher-risk locations for coronavirus spread. Twenty-two of Indiana’s 92 counties were placed in orange or red levels under the agency’s weekly tracking map update. Orange and red indicate the highest amount of spread and positivity. Fountain County was the only county at the red level.

While extending the mask mandate about three weeks ago, Holcomb also lifted nearly all of Indiana’s restrictions on businesses and crowd sizes. Localities can, however, impose restrictions exceeding the state’s.

Here is an outline of Stage 5 of the Indiana Back on Track plan:

  • Face coverings required for all Hoosiers.
  • Maintain social distancing, wash your hands, and do not go to work or school or in public places if you feel sick.
  • Size limitations removed for social gatherings and meetings. Organizers of events that will include more than 500 people must submit a written plan to the local health department.
  • Restaurants and bars that offer food service may open at full capacity. Appropriate social distancing must be maintained between tables. Bar section customers must be seated.
  • Bars and nightclubs may open at full capacity. Customers must be seated; social distancing required.
  • Indoor and outdoor venues may open at full capacity.
  • Senior centers and congregate nutrition sites may reopen according to Indiana Family and Social Services Administration guidelines.
  • Personal services, gyms, fitness centers and workout facilities may resume normal operations.
  • Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are required to provide visitation opportunities.
  • Communities are encouraged to monitor the county’s standing in the color-coded metrics map and enact additional precautions if needed.

On Wednesday, the Indiana State Department of Health announced 1,172 new COVID-19 cases and 14 additional deaths. The new COVID-19 cases are from between Oct. 12 and Oct. 13 while the newly reported deaths are from between Oct. 11 and Oct. 13.

On another front, Weaver said, the state is having trouble with the system that records its coronavirus numbers. As a result, a jump in number could result in coming days.

Holcomb is up for reelection. The Democratic candidate for governor, Dr. Woody Myers, is a former state health commissioner. He has scheduled a 9:30 a.m. Thursday videoconference to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Hoosiers’ public health.

Myers issued a statement.

“By remaining at Stage 5 and failing to institute a true mask mandate, it’s not surprising numbers are going in the wrong direction. There are parts of the state that should be in stage 3—leaving Indiana at stage 5 sends a message to the public that things are back to normal. It’s impossible to have it both ways in a public health crisis. No wonder the public is confused—there’s a lack of leadership.

“I wish Dr. Box and her family well as they recover from their positive COVID-19 diagnoses. Coronavirus is a serious virus and I hope they all get well soon.

Dr. Wood Myers, Democrat candidate for Indiana governor

Donald Rainwater, the Libertarian gubernatorial candidate, also issued a statement.

“While I clearly believe that COVID-19 is a serious health issue, especially for those in high risk demographics, I find it insulting for a Governor, who can’t even wear a mask appropriately while on television, to tell Hoosiers that people who don’t wear masks in small gatherings are causing others to get sick. If the Indiana State Health Commissioner, Dr. Box, can practice the highest level of risk mitigation and still test positive, this indicates that the precautionary measures are not 100% effective. The fact that Dr. Box received both a negative test result and a positive test result clearly indicates that testing is unreliable and inaccurate. This also calls into question the accuracy and validity of the measurements and metrics derived from testing. I can only reiterate that the science indicates that every Hoosier must do what they believe is appropriate for themselves, their families, their churches, and their businesses. Government cannot keep you safe from a virus, by mandate or any other means. All Hoosiers Are Essential.”

Donald Rainwater, Libertarian candidate for Indiana governor.

The governors says he will have another coronavirus briefing Oct. 21.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.