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Construction Delivery methods with Brian Bosma and David Rainey

Construction Delivery methods with Brian Bosma and David Rainey

July 28, 2021

Brian Bosma - Former Speaker of the House Representatives in Indiana and Partner at Kroger, Gradis & Regas law firm concentrating in the areas of complex business and municipal transactions, municipal fiancé and environmental matters.

David Rainey - Director of Owners Technical Representation for the Veridus group.


The construction delivery methods that are discussed on the podcast.

Design, Bid, Build (DBB) - This project delivery method customarily involves three sequential project phases: design, procurement, and construction.

Design Build (DB) - A project delivery method that combines architectural and engineering design services with construction performance under one contract.

CMa - In theCMA, the owner utilizes a CM as its principal agent to advise on or manage the process over the life of the project, or specific phases of the project.

CMr / CMc - Construction Manger at Risk or Construction Manager as Construction - A project delivery method in which the Construction Manager acts as a consultant to the owner in the development and design phases, but assumes the risk for construction performance as the equivalent of a general contractor holding all trade subcontracts during the construction phase. This delivery method is also known as CM/GC

Build Operate Transfer -transfer is a form of project financing, wherein a private entity receives a concession from the private or public sector to finance, design, construct, and operate a facility stated in the concession contract.

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD): A project delivery method that contractually requires collaboration among the primary parties – owner, designer, and builder – so that the risk, responsibility and liability for project delivery are collectively managed and appropriately shared.


Some communities use multiple methods to deliver multiple projects. Depending on each situation

Brian mentions that there is more case law based around design build than there is around CMc/ CMr. Brian considers this to be a minor disadvantage to the CMr/ CMc but only from a lawyers standpoint.

Both Brian and David believe that on municipal projects that all unused contingency money should go back to the Municipality at the end of the project. And who approves the use of the contingency is a very important point and should fall to the Owner.

BOSMA Industry for the Blind:  Bosma Navigating Blindness | Bosma


David's Book Recommendation: Bill Hybels: Simplify

Brian's Book recommendations: Rick Atkinson: The British Are Coming. The first of the Trilogy