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Indiana man saved by kidney donation from daughter’s college roommate

(WISH) — It’s “World Kidney Day” and Hoosier Curtis Warfield said a kidney donation saved his life.

Warfield said he went in for a routine checkup when the doctor found the disease.

“During that exam they found that protein was leaking out of my urine,” said Warfield. “I was sent to a nephrologist and he did some more tests and at that time, he came back and said I was at stage three kidney disease.”

He was placed on dialysis because his kidneys failed.

His daughter was tested to see if she was a match to donate her kidney.

“She wasn’t,” explained Warfield.

However, his daughter’s college roommate, Rosalyn Ware-Martin, was a match.

“They asked me up until the time I went under anesthesia, ‘Are you sure you want to do this? If you want to back out now, it’s perfectly fine. You’ll be okay,’” explained Ware-Martin.

She went through an extensive process with different doctors to make sure she would be healthy physically and mentally without a kidney.

After getting the results back that she would be fine, she went through with the procedure of donating her kidney to Warfield.

Both Warfield and Ware-Martin said if you want to donate a kidney, be sure to do your research and ask a lot of questions.

The National Kidney Foundation‘s website showed 70 million people in the United States have seen the affects of kidney disease.