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Social worker discusses how to talk to kids about Uvalde massacre

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – In times like these, there are no words because the mass shooting that occurred in Uvalde is an unspeakable act. It must be spoken about and will be one of the most difficult conversations to have with children. 

News 8 spoke with Jennie Voelker, licensed mental health counselor at Community Health Network, about how parents can talk to their kids about the massacre in Uvalde. 

“Children…they hear and they know things that we don’t expect them to hear and know,” Voelkder said. “So, I think asking your child is a great place to start. Say to them “What have you heard?” That gives you the opportunity to correct any misconceptions.”

She also says one of our first jobs as a parent if not the most important job, is to focus on safety and help kids to be reassured of safety without making promises. 

“There are a lot of promises we want to make to our kids. We’d like to say to them: “Nothing bad is ever going to happen.”

We can let children know people are there for them whether it’s parents, their teachers or school guidance counselors.  

She also stresses the importance that parents have conversations with them in advance should something like this happen.” Understand what plan the school has in place,” Voelker said. “And when your child practices that drill, ask them “What did you do?” and “How did that make you feel?”