Beer fundraiser in Indy to help to buy prosthetic limbs for Ukrainian troops

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Ukraine defenders are slowly regaining ground in the war against Russia.

Ukrainians living in Indiana say although troops are miles away, the organization hopes to throw their support behind forces with an upcoming beer fundraiser.

Ukrainian supports say, while troops are making progress, it’s important to not forgot the war is far from over. Countless volunteers soldiers have lost limbs. The upcoming Day of Defender of Ukraine beer fundraiser in Indianapolis will specifically help fund prosthetic limbs.

Ukrainian defenders have a tough job ahead as they continue the battle to hold onto their country, and it’s important to find a moment of respite with comrades.

“A lot of the guys who are on the front lines and the guys were in the military they enjoyed their camaraderie over a pint of beer,” said Svitlana Ramer, founder of Ukrainian Society of Indiana. “And they sit around and they talk.”

Ramer says beer culture is big. Influencing the upcoming Day of Defenders beer fundraiser on two fronts: beer and military support

“There is a campaign launch by the first lady of Ukraine called ‘It’s not over’ to continue to raise awareness now that it’s gone from the front lines,” Ramer said. “The war in Ukraine isn’t over in those territories that are still occupied by Russians.”

The fundraiser coincides with the Ukrainian holiday defenders day, but portions of the proceeds will fund prosthetics for people on the ground. But, it’s also a change to welcome Hoosiers to enjoy Ukrainian culture. “The city that valiantly defended itself I’ll be in greatly outnumbered.”

Ukrainian Society of Indiana partnered with Bier Brewery to create a special Ukrainian-style lager, allowing the community to give it its special name and design.

“Time is of essence. It’s very much not over. And as long as the war is not over the work is not over.”

The event will be Oct. 14 at Bier Brewery‘s Indianapolis location, 5133 E. 65th St., and organizers also will use that time to announce a special Noblesville Sister City initiative.