Funeral arrangements set for Girl Scout who died at Camp Koch

Funeral arrangements set for Girl Scout who died at Camp Koch

Funeral arrangements set for Girl Scout who died at Camp Koch

TELL CITY, Ind. (WEHT) – The 11-year-old Girl Scout who died at Camp Koch Monday will be buried next week.

The funeral for Isabelle Meyer is at 10 a.m. on Monday, July 1 at Precious Blood Catholic Church in Jasper. She will be buried at Fairview Cemetery.

Visitation is on Sunday, June 30 from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Becher-Kluesner downtown chapel in Jasper.

Isabelle died when a tree fell on her and a group of Girl Scouts at Camp Koch.

The camp in Cannelton is closed for now.

Isabelle would have been going into the 6th grade at Jasper Middle School.