Indiana Township Association live from AIM Conference
Live from Accelerate Indiana Communities (AIM) Conference in French Lick, Indiana with Kevin Evans and Debbie Driskell from the Indiana Township Association.
While attending the AIM Conference, I, along with Tim Jensen and Pete Olson from Veridus, decided to take advantage of the exhibit hall and have people join us in discussions.
This episode, Pete Olson and I were able to have Kevin and Debbie sit down with us and discuss the Indiana Township Association (ITA). The role of the ITA is to provide guidance and education and support of Townships in Indiana. The trustees are on the front line in their communities at the most local level, having personal interactions daily with individuals struggling or dealing with difficult issues or obstacles. Several years ago, Indiana Reformed the welfare system for the state and took away case managers call center and took away the face to face. So, the public relies on Trustees to tell their stories.
Debbie and Kevin can be reach here:
Debbie Driskell
Kevin Evans