Tuesday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Here’s a look at Tuesday’s business headlines.


Panera is entering the breakfast wars.

The company is trying to compete with McDonald’s, Dunkin and Taco Bell with its new breakfast wraps.

The sandwich chain is also upgrading its coffee. 


According to a new survey, 5% of respondents admitted to lying on their resumes.

However, GoBankingRates found Millenials fib at twice the rate – 11%.

Older baby boomers aged 65 and older were the most honest on their resumes, with only 2% admitting to putting down false information.


More Americans are doing their taxes on software than with specialists.

That’s hurting companies like H&R Block.

The total number of self-prepared returns filed this tax season is up 3.3% compared to last year, according to figures from the Internal Revenue Service.


Microsoft’s Outlook email has been hacked.

Hackers stole login credentials for a Microsoft customer support agent and were able to read emails from people using services like Outlook, Hotmail and MSN.

The hack happened from Jan. 1 through March 28 of this year.

Microsoft said it’s since disabled stolen access to the hacked customer support agent’s account.