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Carmel man charged in federal court for threatening Michigan election worker

The golden scales of justice. (Narcis Grigore/Getty Images)

DETROIT (WISH) — A federal court has unsealed an indictment against a man in Carmel charged with threatening an election worker in the days following the 2020 presidential election.

Andrew Nickels, 37, is accused of calling a clerk in Michigan on Nov. 10, 2020, and leaving a voicemail that included death threats against the worker and the worker’s family.

Nickels was scheduled to appear in the federal district court in Detroit on Friday to formally hear one count of sending a threatening interstate communication which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison if convicted.

A quote from a profanity-laden voicemail at the center of an investigation by the FBI is included in the indictment made public.

According to the FBI, Nickels stated, “We’re watching your… mouth talk about how you think that there’s no irregularities… [Y]ou frauded out America of a real election… Guess what, you’re gonna pay for it, you will pay for it… [T]en million plus patriots will surround you when you least expect it, and your little infantile Deep State security agency has no time to protect you because they’ll be bought out and we’ll [expletive] kill you… [Y]ou will [expletive] pay for your [expletive] lying ass remarks… We will [expletive] take you out. [Expletive] your family, [expletive] your life, and you deserve a [expletive] throat to the knife… Watch your [expletive] back… watch your [expletive] back.”

News 8 did not find a history of serious offenses by Nickels in a search of criminal charges in Indiana.

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