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Willie Nelson wants to sell you his cannabis-infused coffee

AUSTIN, Texas (KETK) – Music icon Willie Nelson has never been shy about his love for marijuana.

In fact, he may be just as much a legend for his love of weed as he is for his way with a song lyric.

Stories abound of other artists and fans who’ve shared a joint with Willie. He is apparently not stingy with his stash.

He’s also – and has been for years – quite vocal about his belief that marijuana should be legalized. He’s so open in that belief that in 2015 he launched his own cannabis company, Willie’s Reserve, which sells marijuana, accessories, and edibles in states where pot is legal.

He’s also been vocal about his beliefs in the medical benefits of CBD oil. The oil is a derivative of hemp, a cousin of the marijuana plant and a once-commonly cultivated crop that disappeared during the war on drugs. Unlike the chemical THC found in marijuana, CBD doesn’t get users high.

Once again putting his money where his mouth is, Nelson recently launched Willie’s Remedy, which Rolling Stone magazine described as “a line of health and wellness products that kicks off with hemp-infused coffee.”

That’s right – Willie Nelson wants to sell you cannabis coffee.

According to the Willie’s Remedy website, the coffee, also called Willie’s Remedy, is a medium-dark Colombian blend “infused with certified organic, full-spectrum hemp oil grown in Colorado.”

Drinkers will get 7 mg of CBD in each 8-oz. cup of coffee.

Willie’s Reserve was released in Colorado last September, but Nelson just announced a nationwide release – including here in Texas. It’s available from the Willie’s Remedy website at $36 a bag.

The Texas Legislature legalized CBD for severely epilectic patients in 2015. Nelson has been among those hoping that small first step might lead to the giant leap of eventual legalization of hemp first and then marijuana itself.

Nelson told Rolling Stone that legalizing hemp would be good for American farmers, for whom he also has long been an advocate, as well as for the economy and the environment. He got his wish in December when Congress passed the Farm Bill, which legalized the production of hemp by declaring it an agricultural commodity and removed it from the federal controlled substances list.

Farmers used to grow hemp for use in cloth, ropes, sails and nets. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew it on their plantations, and, in World War II, the Department of Agriculture urged “patriotic farmers” to plant it for use in naval towlines, parachute webbing and other products valuable to the war effort.

So Nelson has some distinguished company in his belief in the value of hemp.

He also remains committed to the cause of farmers, insisting that the products he sells must be cultivated on independent farms in small batches and use only organic inputs.

And, yes, Willie personally tests all his products.