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Tips for small businesses seeking capital investments

(WISH Photo)

Today on BEO we interviewed the newly appointed CEO of TechPoint, Ting Gotee. To those who do not know, TechPoint is a non-profit here in Indianapolis dedicated to growing Indiana’s tech ecosystem. They do this by bringing together Indiana’s tech companies, philanthropies, government, universities, and talent to create opportunity. It’s working well considering that Indiana’s tech ecosystem is among one of the strongest here in the Midwest, with a $51B annual GDP impact here in Indiana and 93K new tech firms being created in the state. They also offer useful online training to those who are willing to learn, and new events are posted weekly. This week’s topic is, “Tips for Running a Successful Business for Creative Types, Idea People, and Anybody with Passion.” They work with various successful companies including Cummins, Microsoft, Rolls Royce, and others to better extend their web of influence and educate the masses on technical opportunities within their reach. To learn more about their mission, and some of the work they do, you can visit their website here at To see our interview with their lovely CEO please visit our website at