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Local Candy Makers Find Success at Expo 

BEO 6-9-24 IF

Local candy makers were thrilled to see Indianapolis host North America’s largest sweets and snack convention

Jennifer Weise is the founder of Bee Free, says the recent Sweets and Snacks Expo was a huge success for her business and the city of Indianapolis. “It is amazing to be here.” 

In addition to having her products featured alongside some of the biggest names in the candy industry, Weise says the convention was also a great opportunity to network and meet new people, including manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. 

Claiming, “This is the place for hot deals,” Weise says it was motivating to see so many vendors working and supporting each other. Her candies, already in stores across the Midwest, will soon be in more grocery and convenience stores and colleges across the country.   

Whitney Bembenick, the Chief Revenue Officer for Endangered Species Chocolate, says the expo was a “Blessing to Indianapolis.”

Bembenick highlighted the economic impact of the convention in Indy and stressed the importance of smaller manufacturers getting the chance to network and share knowledge.