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Rally Innovation Conference Returning to Indianapolis

BEO 6-9-24 GS

The Rally Innovation Conference will return to Indianapolis later this summer, and MLB legend Alex Rodriguez will be the keynote speaker. 

Seeking to attract entrepreneurs, founders, investors, and more, the two-day conference bills itself as a unique networking event where innovators worldwide can gather to share information and make deals. 

Emil Ekiyor, the founder of InnoPower, says his organization is looking forward to a historic partnership with Rally. Ekiyor is especially excited about the opportunity for small minority-owned businesses to rub shoulders with large corporations during the event. He says it is important for minority business owners to have access to that space.  

Among the deals being made during the conference, Ekiyor is looking forward to seeing entrepreneurs get the chance to meet with investors to raise funds. “Every business owner you talk to needs capital,” he says. 

Ekiyor encourages entrepreneurs to come to the conference prepared to learn, meet new people, and make deals.    

The Rally innovation Conference will be held in Indianapolis from August 27–28. For tickets and more information, visit