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Citizens Energy Group: Energy and sustainability

Citizens Energy Group: Clean Water and Sanitation

As the seasons transition from summer to spring, sustainability is a key focus for many. Ben Easley from Citizens Energy Group discusses the company’s efforts in this area between Earth Day and Arbor Day.

Sustainability often conjures images of ecological initiatives like tree planting at Citizens Energy Group. The company strives for a comprehensive understanding of sustainability, encompassing the environment, businesses, and the community. In 2023, Citizens Energy Group aligned its sustainability goals with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the first time.

One of the UN SDGs that Citizens Energy Group supports is clean water and sanitation. Indianapolis is making significant strides in this area through the DigIndy Tunnel System project. This multi-year, multi-billion-dollar project aims to direct nearly 99% of wastewater overflows into sewer systems instead of local waterways by 2025. To date, nearly 5 billion gallons of wastewater have been diverted, significantly improving local water quality.

Complementing the DigIndy Tunnel System project is Citizens Energy Group’s 10,000 Trees initiative. On Arbor Day, Citizens employees, identifiable by their pink jackets, planted trees at Windsor Village Park. Trees play a crucial role in carbon sequestration and stormwater absorption, enhancing the overall sustainability effort.

Another UN SDG that Citizens Energy Group prioritizes is sustainable infrastructure. Maintaining infrastructure is crucial for providing essential utility services to customers now and in the future. Citizens Energy Group is also dedicated to community sustainability, offering bill management tools and financial assistance to customers. The company participates in the Good Wages Initiative, ensuring employees receive a living wage and opportunities to volunteer in the community.

Citizens Energy Group engages in philanthropic partnerships aimed at addressing UN SDGs focused on poverty alleviation, quality education, and economic growth. The company believes that supporting the community is as important as sustaining businesses and the environment.

Citizens Energy Group released its 2023 Sustainability Report earlier this year, providing detailed information on its holistic approach to sustainability. More information about the UN SDGs is available online. For additional resources from Citizens Energy Group, scan the QR code on the screen, or visit