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Agape Therapeutic Riding Resources

Agape Therapeutic Riding Resources

Agape is a transformative organization that harnesses the power of human-equine connections to make a profound impact on individuals’ lives and our community as a whole.

By facilitating interactions between people and horses, Agape creates opportunities for personal growth, healing, and empowerment.

Serving individuals across Central Indiana facing various challenges, including physical, emotional, social, or cognitive disabilities, as well as mental health needs, Agape provides tailored programs designed to meet each participant’s unique needs.

Whether through individual sessions or group activities, Agape’s programming fosters a supportive environment where individuals can thrive and discover newfound hope.

In addition to its on-site programming, Agape extends its reach through innovative initiatives such as the “Happy Trails” videos, which bring the therapeutic benefits of equine-assisted activities to a broader audience.

Furthermore, Agape offers mobile mini-horse visits, bringing joy and comfort directly to individuals who may benefit from the presence of these gentle creatures.

Through its multifaceted approach, Agape is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those it serves, enriching communities, and spreading the message of hope and inclusion.