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Finding Faith: 10th National Eucharistic Congress

Finding Faith: 10th National Eucharistic Congress

The National Eucharistic Congress, a gathering meant for Catholics across the United States but welcoming to people of all faiths, offers a unique opportunity for spiritual enrichment and communal celebration.

Father Pat Beidelman, Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Indianapolis, who is co-chair of the Liturgy Committee for the National Eucharistic Congress, and Gabriela Ross, director of the archdiocesan Office of Marriage and Family Life, joined us Wednesday morning to share more information.

They offer a diverse array of programs catering to various demographics and interests.

Families, teenagers, adults, clergy, and Spanish-speaking attendees all have different offerings, ensuring that each participant finds resonance and relevance in the event’s activities.

Moreover, for those residing within the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, there’s an exclusive opportunity to obtain a full-event pass at a discounted rate.

By using the passcode INDY24 during registration, residents can use a reduced cost, bringing the five-day attendance package down to $274.

With 126 parishes, 68 schools, six Catholic Charities agencies, and a variety of ministry offices scattered across central and southern Indiana, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis serves as a vibrant hub of spiritual activity and community engagement.

Through initiatives like the National Eucharistic Congress, it continues to embody the values of unity, compassion, and faith that define the Catholic tradition.