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Pavel’s World: A celebration of culture through dance


International Latin jazz pianist Pavel Polanco Safadit joined the Raíces Academia de Danzas Folclóricas Internacionales to celebrate the beauty and diversity of global cultures through the art of folkloric dance. This Indiana-based dance academy is more than just a group—it’s a community that unites individuals passionate about preserving and showcasing cultural traditions through dance.

Mission and Purpose

Raíces Academia is committed to celebrating and preserving cultural diversity. The academy serves as a platform to spotlight often overlooked or unheard cultures, especially during significant moments like Independence Days. By bridging hearts and cultures, the dance group creates a sense of unity and understanding within the community.

Through their dedication to the preservation of traditions, Raíces Academia acts as torchbearer for authentic folkloric dance from various countries. They enrich the lives of community members through performances, rehearsals, and gatherings, offering both education and joy to their audiences.

Goals of Raíces Academia

  1. Cultural Representation – The academy aims to represent a wide range of cultures each year, showcasing the global mosaic of traditions.
  2. Cultural Education – Workshops, classes, and public performances are central to educating the community about the world’s diverse cultural heritage.
  3. Unity and Inclusivity – Raíces Academia strives to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where cultural differences are embraced and celebrated.
  4. Heartfelt Joy – Each performance brings joy to the audience, evoking memories of homeland and childhood.

Raíces Academia de Danzas Folclóricas Internacionales is a testament to the power of art in preserving and celebrating cultural diversity. Through dance, they send a message of love, unity, and understanding.

For more information, watch the full interview above!