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Prime Connects: Turning Indy into a business hub

Creating Style: Turning Indy into a business hub

Colton Howard always keeps us updated with the latest fashion trends.

Howard joined us Thursday morning to talk about Prime Connects, a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing Indianapolis’ standing as a prominent business center.

But wait….that’s not all!

Caleb French (CFO & Co-Founder of Prime Connects) and Juanyel Holmes (Chief Marketing Officer of Prime Connects) also joined him to talk about the launch of exclusive memberships for private meetups and consultations.

Through its networking events, entrepreneurs engage with influential figures such as NBA/WNBA hosts and the Secretary of State, fostering connections crucial for growth.

Looking ahead, Prime Connects aims to expand its network to include even more esteemed guests, fueling inspiration and collaboration within the community.

The organization’s initiatives provide valuable expertise in business, finance, and marketing, equipping entrepreneurs with the tools needed for success.

Moreover, Prime Connects channels its efforts into supporting local nonprofits dedicated to community advancement.

With the introduction of exclusive memberships, offering access to private gatherings and personalized guidance, Prime Connects invites individuals from all walks of life to unite in their pursuit of a brighter future.

Whether as members, sponsors, volunteers, or supporters, together, they can effect meaningful change and foster a thriving environment for all.