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Teen mom becomes multimillionaire, publishes new book

New Book: ‘Mommy, I Thought You Said Black was Beautiful’

Jeresha “Sherri J” White, a former teen mother and now a multimillionaire entrepreneur, has released her new book, “Mommy, I Thought You Said Black Was Beautiful.” In an interview, Sherri J discussed her journey from Indianapolis to becoming a successful author and businesswoman.

Sherri J was born in Muncie, Indiana, and spent part of her childhood in Indianapolis, where her father and grandmother were prominent entrepreneurs. “My experience in Indianapolis was shaped by my family’s entrepreneurial spirit,” she said. Her journey took her from Seattle to Atlanta, where she found her footing in the childcare industry and eventually became an author and serial entrepreneur.

Reflecting on her challenging years as a teen mother, Sherri J acknowledged the difficulties she faced. “Being a teen mother was extremely challenging. I had to grow up quickly while raising a child,” she said. “Those trials and tribulations molded and shaped me into the businesswoman I am today.”

Sherry J’s childcare division, Success Souvenirs, has become a mini-empire of centers in the Atlanta area, catering to low- and moderate-income families. “Success Souvenirs is my baby and has been the doorway to other ventures, including real estate, writing, motivational speaking, and mentoring,” she explained.

Her experience as a teen mother and single parent informs her approach to running her childcare centers. “It’s my responsibility to provide an amazing environment for both the children and their parents. We offer quality childcare, mentorship, and motivation,” she said. “I understand the struggles of teen parents and single mothers, and we need a support system to keep going.”

Sherri J’s book addresses the complex issue of discussing racism with children. “Many parents don’t know how to start the conversation about racism,” she noted. “This book is a way for families to talk about embracing their heritage and culture, helping children navigate life positively despite negative experiences.”

“Mommy, I Thought You Said Black Was Beautiful” aims to empower children to understand and embrace their identity. “Children need to know that no matter what happens because of their race, they are still amazing and can have positive experiences,” Sherry J said.

For more information, Sherri J’s book is available now on Amazon.