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9th Annual USS Indianapolis Honor Watch to remember fallen heroes

9th Annual USS Indianapolis Honor Watch to remember fallen heroes

On July 30, 1945, 879 heroes aboard the USS Indianapolis were killed in action and lost at sea, marking the greatest loss of life from a combatant ship during World War II.

Families of those heroes, survivor family members, Honorary Survivors, and friends will gather on Tuesday morning, July 30, 2024, at the USS Indianapolis CA-35 Memorial at 692 Ellsworth St. by the canal.

The 9th Annual USS Indianapolis Honor Watch will start at sunrise and continue until late in the afternoon.

The event will feature historical items related to the USS Indianapolis and its crew, including photos, videos, ship models, a Western Union MIA telegram, a Navy MIA telex, Captain McVay’s handwritten note to the father of a lost crew member, a letter from Secretary of the Navy James Forestal, a Purple Heart, and other family heirlooms.

Event Details

  • Time: 10:00 a.m.
  • Date: July 30, 2024
  • Location: USS Indianapolis CA-35 Memorial, 692 Ellsworth St., Indianapolis

The ceremony will honor Earl Procai, Bugler Second Class, who was one of nine USS Indianapolis crew members killed in action on March 31, 1945, during a kamikaze attack.

The 48-star American flag flown over the USS Indianapolis and presented to Procai’s family will be raised and flown over the CA-35 Memorial.

Sandi Belcher, daughter-in-law of USS Indianapolis survivor James Belcher, will sing “God Bless America.”

Michael William Emery, a family member of a USS Indianapolis lost at sea hero, will share opening remarks and the history of the annual Honor Watch.

A special letter from Harold Bray, the last survivor of the USS Indianapolis sinking, will also be read.

Mike Clark, President of the Indianapolis Rolling Thunder Chapter 1, and fellow members will conduct an Honor and Remembrance Ceremony for the 31 USS Indianapolis Hoosier Heroes lost at sea.

Family members of these heroes will be in attendance. Bruce McKee and Zondra Kale Griffin of the Spirit of 45 Organization will perform Echo Taps after the last Hoosier Hero’s name is honored.

The event is supported by Honorary USS Indianapolis Survivor Brig. Gen. J. Stewart Goodwin, USAF (Ret), Executive Director of the Indiana War Memorial, and his staff, as well as the local Indianapolis media and community. He joined us to share more information about this event and what makes this honor so important.

The public is invited to join in honoring the 879 brave heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms cherished today. To be remembered is to live forever. Take a look at the full interview above for more information.