Monday’s business headlines

(Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Here’s a look at Monday’s business headlines.


T-Mobile confirms 5.3 million more customers had their information stolen in a data breach.

Two class-action lawsuits were filed against the wireless carrier as customers seek compensation.

Both lawsuits say the carrier violated the law protecting customers.

Over 53 million T-Mobile customers have been affected by the cyber security attack.

United Airlines

United Airlines has teamed with Walmart and Albertsons on COVID testing.

More than 3,000 Albertsons and Walmart locations are participating.

Customers going online to United’s Travel Ready Center can view a list of COVID testing sites that now include selected Albertsons and Walmart stores then they can book appointments through the United website or app.


Flights nationwide could be disrupted Monday Hurricane Henri swept through the Northeast over the weekend.

Nearly 27% of the world’s flight cancelations have come from airports in the Boston and the New York metropolitian area.


New data says Corona is the world’s favorite beer.

Maxima Kitchen Equipment, a U.K. brand, has analyzed Google search data from the past month to determine the most-searched beers.

It says Corona was searched 115,000 times in a month.

Sapparo from Japan was second.