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Wednesday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here’s a look at Wednesday’s business headlines. 

Carmel announcement

The city of Carmel will make an economic development announcement Wednesday afternoon.

Lieutenant Governor Crouch will join Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard to give more details.


Midwester Utilitlty AEP is spending a $1 billion on wind.

It signed an agreement to acquire Sempra Renewables, which controls stakes in seven wind farms.

Sempra has wind farms in Colorado, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

The acquisition, the company says is part of a target of $2.2 billion in investment in competitive renewables by 2023.

Kroger blood-testing devices

Kroger is rolling out new blood-testing devices at all of its health and wellness facilities across the country that will quickly give users results.

The launch of Cardiocheck Plus at Kroger locations is due to be completed this month.

Cardiocheck Plus provides results as fast as 90 seconds from one fingerstick. It accurately tests lipid profile and glucose, and measures total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose.

Car payments

A record seven million Americans are at least three months behind on their car payments.

The New York Federal Reserve says this is a warning flag as even as some parts of the economy are strong. There are families having trouble making ends meet.

A car loan is typically the first payment people make because a vehicle is critical to getting to work.

When car loan delinquencies rise, it is usually a sign of significant duress among low-income and working-class Americans.