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Fired officer faces charges for inmate pepper ball incident

Henry County, Indiana, Sheriff's Office and jail. (Provided Image/Sheriff John Sproles via WIBC)

NEW CASTLE, Ind. (WIBC) — A corrections officer who used to work at Henry County Jail got fired and is facing charges. This happened after he shot an inmate with a pepper ball.

Sheriff John Sproles said he watched a video of what happened and decided to fire Curtis Doughty. Doughty got fired because he was caught cursing at the inmate, Matthew Flick.

“One thing that we are particular about is treating our inmates with care and not using abusive language,” said Sproles. “I campaigned on the fact that if I became the next sheriff, the F-word is out the door. It’s just not professional; it never was professional. It’s unacceptable, especially when dealing with the public, dealing with inmates.”

This isn’t the first time an incident like this has occurred at the jail. Last year, Sheriff Sproles had to shoot an inmate named Marquette Neal four times with bean bag rounds because Neal was kicking his cell. Sproles noted that Neal has a history of being aggressive toward the police.

“It was unfortunate, and I hate it. I wish the entire situation never occurred,” said Sproles. “We just can’t let people injure themselves while we are just standing there watching. We made it very clear: don’t kick the door. That’s all we are asking.”

Sproles said that there are several lawsuits filed against Henry County for situations similar to when pepper balls were used on two inmates at the jail.

“There is a hard push from a certain element of people to go after Sproles,” he added. “It’s interesting to me. I don’t even know these people. I did not know these people until I started running for sheriff, and then I realized four or five people climbed out of the woodwork that I guess are obsessed with Sheriff Sproles for whatever reason.”

Sproles said that the ultimate decision on charges will rest with the Henry County Prosecutor’s Office regarding Curtis Doughty. Initially, Doughty faced charges of misdemeanor battery.

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