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Look inside new chimpanzee complex at Indianapolis Zoo

Look inside new chimpanzee complex at Indianapolis Zoo

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The Indianapolis Zoo will officially open one of the largest chimpanzee habitats in the United States during the weekend.

On Tuesday, News 8 got a sneak peek inside.

Zoo officials say the Penny and Jock Fortune International Chimpanzee Complex will fully open to the public on Saturday. They say the complex spans a large portion of its grounds, and features three indoor and outdoor living spaces connected by a quarter-mile of overhead trail. This allows the 21 chimpanzees in the exhibit to make choices about where they go, what they do, and who they do it with.

Rob Shumaker, president and chief executive officer of the zoo, said, “The exciting thing is when you come to the zoo, you have to go find the chimpanzees because they can be traveling anywhere within the complex. So, it’s important to understand that all throughout the zoo where the complex is, and you can follow them and find them in all of the different locations both indoors and outdoors.”

The complex is named after longtime zoo supporters Penny and Russell Fortune.

This story was created from a script aired on WISH-TV.