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Children experiencing mysterious illness possibly linked to COVID-19

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A mystery illness found in children potentially associated with the coronavirus is baffling doctors.

The condition is called Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome. While rare, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports more than 100 cases worldwide. However, as the U.S. opens back up, doctors warn it could result in an increase with more children being affected.

While there are no known cases in Indiana, the state continues to see new COVID-19 cases and deaths each day. This is concerning as the state enters Phase 2, particularly for children.

While parents and children are tired of self-isolating, Dr. John Christenson of Riley Hospital for Children says families should be cautious as society opens up, especially when it comes to schools, playgrounds and restaurants.

“Many parents may be asking: What happens when we re-open? What happens with schools and playgrounds? What happens with my favorite restaurant, my favorite movie theater?” Christenson said. “We know as we loosen up social distancing, the risk of infection is still going to be there.”

Christenson recommends people continue to follow best practices including hand washing, wearing masks and social distancing. While the condition is rare, he says parents should look out for signs such as vomiting, rashes and a low-grade fever. If their child presents any of these symptoms, it could be a sign of the coronavirus.

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