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Gov. Holcomb: ‘The numbers don’t lie’ on COVID-19 in Indiana

The latest on the coronavirus from News 8 at 6 p.m.

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — People are on edge, the sound of an emergency vehicle siren echoes through the nearly vacant city streets if Indianapolis this morning.

Dr. Kristina Box the commissioner of the Indiana State Department of Health says the number of positive cases is on the increase. She says 13% of the people tested are positive.

“The Indiana Department of Health continues to support targeted testing rather than testing everyone who is sick. We are leaving the decision of who should be tested in the hands of our very astute clinicians, who are on the front line,” said Box.

The front line of this pandemic is just starting to reveal itself. Gov. Eric Holcomb is asking for the federal government to stop the partisan bickering and get to work.

“I will tell you this: The numbers don’t lie, and if they don’t put a little fear of God in you to act and act now and fight back now, I don’t know what would. We are gonna continue to lose people and we know what the timeline has been in neighboring states and coastal states,” said Holcomb.

The governor’s executive order allowed for the creation of an emergency health care operation to free up supplies for central Indiana hospitals. More than half of the positive tests for COVID-19 are from Marion County.

A donation from the Lilly Endowment will fund a separate facility to care for the homeless.

“We plan to accept the first individuals within the next few days. We will also work with additional communities to replicate this collaboration across the state of Indiana,” said Family and Social Services Administration Secretary Dr. Jennifer Sullivan.

Indiana State Police will enforce the governor’s executive order that restricts all but essential travel starting at 11:59 p.m. Tuesday night.

Timeline of coronavirus in Indiana