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WISH-TV medical expert on surviving Indiana’s sweltering heat

WISH-TV medical expert on surviving Indiana’s sweltering heat

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — News 8 is helping people to survive the sweltering heat in Indiana.

The risk of heat exhaustion, heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses rises with the higher temperatures. Summer will start Thursday in Indiana.

“Even though we may not see the sunshine through the clouds, the sun’s rays can still affect us. With that humidity, it can make it difficult for us to breathe — again, the very small, elderly, and those of us who have chronic medical conditions,” said WISH-TV’s medical expert Dr. Janel Gordon.

Gordon says the high heat can be very hard on the body. Symptoms can vary for different heat-related illnesses, especially for people not drinking enough water.

“When it comes to heat exhaustion, common symptoms individuals may experience include muscle cramps, leg cramps, and even your abdominal muscles. You may also experience nausea, vomiting, and headache,” she said.

Gordon says our core body temperature could reach up to 103 degrees. If you notice you are no longer sweating, that’s also a red flag of heat stroke.

“When it comes to heat stroke, that headache is going to get worse. You may even start to notice you’re confused when interacting with individuals. It may even result in loss of consciousness,” she said.

Gordon suggests drinking plenty of fluids, including electrolyte replacements such as Gatorade, along with light meals that include fruits and veggies that will aid in restoring your body’s water.

Auntie Karen’s Kids Daycare in Indianapolis has been taking that advice and extra precautions to avoid heat illness. Kids and teachers spent their day at the Fredrick Douglass Family Center. “We know it’s really warm outside. Instead of being outside on the playground and riding bikes, we decided to come here to the Family Center,” said Karen Hoskins, owner of the day care.

Staying indoors during peak heat hours ensures a safe and comfortable environment for young children, allowing for some creative fun, air conditioning, and hydration.

“When the kids are outside and it’s very humid out right now … when they come in, they are going to want to just chill out. A nap would be the best suggestion,” said Tina Hoskins, an employee of the day care.

Gordon says it’s important to take breaks by going inside air-conditioned places to cool off. That’s especially true for people on certain medications. “If you’re in doubt, especially if you’re not sure if your medications can put you at risk with sun and heat exposure. Then please reach out to your primary care physician,” she said.