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HVAF offers help to veterans and their families

HVAF offers help to veterans and their families

HVAF offers help to veterans and their families

The facts speak for themselves. Nearly 700-1,300 Veterans experience homelessness in Marion County every year. 

It’s a fact that Brigadier General (ret) Brian R. Copes, President and CEO, HVAF of Indiana, hopes to help eliminate. 

HVAF, or Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation, is celebrating its 25th anniversary and has been serving central Indiana veterans for more than 25 years. 

Copes has served as President and CEO of the Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation of Indiana since April 2016.  Brian retired as a Brigadier General with 38 years of service in the Indiana National Guard.

HVAF offers help to veterans and their families

HOW HVAF helps veterans and their families: 
•    Transitional Housing in 17 properties (158 veterans served every night)
•    Rapid Rehousing 
•    Supportive Housing
•    Rent and utility assistance
•    Outreach through food, clothing and hygiene pantry
•    Wrap-around services such as mental health and substance abuse services, legal services, employment services, transportation
•    An outreach coordinator travels daily to all local shelters, homeless camps, tent cities looking for veterans in need of services
•    An estimated 3,000 Veterans experience homelessness in Indiana every year
•    1 out of 3 homeless males is a Veteran *according to the VA
•    12% to 15% of the veterans served by HVAF are female
•    HVAF served over 1200 veterans last year
•    82% of veterans move into permanent housing
•    73% of veterans are placed into employment

HVAF offers help to veterans and their families

Causes of Veteran Homelessness
•    Lack of affordable housing
•    Poverty
•    Unemployment
•    Mental Illness
•    Substance Abuse
•    Lack of a Support System
Ways people can help
•    Make a monetary donation
•    Volunteer
•    Hold a food, clothing, and hygiene drive
•    Spread the word about the good work HVAF does

To learn more, visit; Social Media Handle: @hvafofindiana