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WISH-TV unveils interactive crime-tracking map

News 8 crime map keeping you informed

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — WISH-TV has made an investment in its viewers’ safety.

At the bottom of this story and on the Crime Watch 8 section of, find News 8’s exclusive crime mapping tool.

Users can pick a specific range of dates that they want to look up. From there, they can pick a specific type of crime: murder and non-negligent manslaughter; negligent manslaughter; justifiable homicide; robbery; burglary/breaking & entering; theft from a motor vehicle; and motor vehicle theft.

The data collected provides a snapshot of the most recent information available to News 8, and it’s updated on a regular basis.

The goal is to help WISH-TV viewers follow crimes happening in the area where they live so they can make educated decisions about personal safety and the safety of families.

As an example, News 8 looked at the number of robberies in the Indianapolis area from January through August. Once a user sets the date range, pick “robbery” from the dropdown menu with all of the other crimes. Then press the red button next to the dropdown menu. The web page will refresh and show the reported robberies in Indianapolis during that time.

From there, users can zoom in to where they live to see what has been going on in their neighborhood.

In the area around News 8 studios at 20th and Meridian streets, we’ve had one robbery during that time frame, but zooming out gives a better picture of where robberies have happened.

Users can also look at multiple types of crimes on the map at the same time. Just go back up the menu with the different types of crimes.